Job title: Country Programme Manager, Ethiopia
Reporting to: Head of Programmes, Africa
Responsible for: All Health Poverty Action (HPA) (registered in Ethiopia as Health Limited) staff in Ethiopia
Base: The post is based in Addis Ababa with regular travel to project sites (at least once per month)
Job purpose: Responsible for the overall development and implementation of the programmes and representation of the organisation in country
See Job Description for a detailed description of the job role.
Please send your application form to: [email protected]
Please note that due to a potentially high number of applications, only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
Context of the role
HPA has been working in Ethiopia since 2006, primarily with semi-nomadic pastoralists, and has implemented various health projects that support communities in South Omo Zone of the Southern Nations, Nationalities and People’s Region (SNNPR), in lowland districts of Bale, Oromia Region and in Liben Zone of the Ethiopian Somali Region. We have ongoing projects, namely: ‘Improving Health of Pastoralist Women and Children’ a maternal and child health project targeting pastoralist communities in Dollo Ado district in Somali region, funded by the Medicor Foundation; a Non-Communicable Diseases Project (NCD), Increasing Access to Services through Training and Capacity Building across Ethiopia, financed by the Novartis Social Business fund implemented in partnership with Tropical Health and Education Trust (THET) in selected hospitals and health centres in Addis Ababa and 6 regional states; a multi-country (Namibia and Ethiopia) TB pilot project to increase adherence to TB medication; and two more projects that are just starting; an Irish Aid supported SRH project and a reproductive health project in partnership with the Minority Rights Group (MRG) supported by UKAID under the UKAID Direct funding stream both targeting Somali pastoralists in Dollo Bay and Dollo Ado Districts.
Our projects are implemented primarily through local partners who have implemented a number of joint projects with us, with direct management and technical support from the Country Programme Manager (CPM) and other staff members in the Country Office.
The Country Programme Manager is provided with technical guidance and supervision from the Nairobi-based Africa regional team, and technical and grant management support from the London Head Office programme, finance, policy and campaigns, fundraising and communications teams.
The CPM will provide leadership, representation, and technical program support and ensure project delivery, with high quality outputs, accuracy and consistency including continued monitoring of implementation. The CPM leads the country program team and works in close collaboration with the local partners and the responsible central, regional and local Ethiopian Government offices in the development and implementation of the Country Programme.
Main Functions of Post:
1. Under the support and supervision of the Africa Head of Programmes, the CPM provides overall management for Health Limited’s work in Ethiopia, ensuring good financial and Human Resources management, as well as management of the programme work done through local partners.
2. Designs/develops and implements a country strategy which is consistent with the organisation’s global Strategic Framework and its vision/mission, including identification and development of new programme initiatives through bids/calls for proposals, and developing new partnerships with potential donors, like-minded partners and consortiums.
3. Represents the organisation in Ethiopia through the promotion of excellent relationships with central and local government offices, donors’ local offices, international organizations, and other NGO’s in-country.
4. Seeks opportunities to influence policy and raise additional funds for projects from in-country donors, including through consultancies.
5. Maintains regular communication with the Head of Africa Programmes, and the London based Programme Officer/Programme Assistant as well as other HPA staff members as necessary on issues related to project development, grants management, finances and social/economic/political developments in Ethiopia that may affect the organisation’s current/future operations, and with other Country Offices on technical issues and cross learning.
Job Description
Application Form