Deiu is a Community Health Worker in the Tuy Duc District of Vietnam, working to eliminate malaria in remote, cross-border areas. Recently new a smartphone app has been developed to compile data, track outbreaks of malaria and coordinate rapid response teams. Early detection of malaria outbreaks is essential to ensuring that the disease is contained and monitored. This technology means that in remote areas where internet is unavailable health workers, like Deiu, are still able to send the incidence rate of the disease and patient updates to a regional centre.
I am very interested in the smartphone and the reporting app. It’s really useful – it reduces my workload and saves a lot of time.

Dieu uses a smartphone app to record cases of malaria in the community in remote areas of Vietnam.
Health Poverty Action provided smartphones and training session to staff in Vietnam to help manage malaria response, and now outbreaks and response activities can be planned, tracked and implemented immediately.