New Resource: “A practical guide for communicating global justice and solidarity”
On by Tess Woolfenden
Launch of new communications resource for all activists and campaigners
Today we launch our new communications resource for all activists and campaigners!
Called a “A practical guide for communicating global justice and solidarity: An alternative to the language of development, aid and charity”, our new toolkit outlines the practical advice we need to tackle the root causes of poverty and build a global movement for change through our communications.
Aware of the damaging effects the dominant story of aid, charity and so called “international development” can have, we developed the tools we need to communicate the issues we work on in a new way – in a way that inspires support and action, effectively communicates poverty and inequality, and minimises any unintended harm we may be doing.
It was produced by Framing Matters for Health Poverty Action, in association with our allies at the Public Interest Research Centre and the following members of the Progressive Development Forum; Medact, NEON, PHM UK, PHM West and Central Africa and Viva Salud.