Boost your fundraising

Make your Curry change more lives

Your guests are having a great time and your cooking has gone perfectly – we knew it would! However, there are still one or two things you could try to raise even more funds to help boost your total.

Why stop at curry?

You’ve asked your guests for a donation for their curry, but what could they also make a contribution for other aspects of your event? Have they had a Kingfisher beer or two they could make a donation for? Would you whip up a dessert if a certain amount is pooled from your guests?

Play a few games.

You can always ask your guests to take part in a game or two after dinner. It could be a board game, a quiz, a sweepstake or you could even have a ‘charity pot’ for every time a guest says a banned word. We’ve a few other classics you can find here.

An auction.

Not all lots at an auction have to be rare cars or jewelry! How about an auction of promises? Could you get someone to bid on NOT doing the washing up? How about taking bids to decide what game is played next?

A workshop.

Do you, or one of your guests have a skill that everyone would love? You could add a cocktail making workshop, cooking class or dancing lesson to your event and ask for donations.

Set up a Virgin Money Giving Page.

A really simple one here; set up a Virgin Money Giving Page so your guests can easily donate. You could also ask for donations from friends and family who were unable to make your event.

Even more ideas?

You can find even more Curry inspired ideas here


Love one of these ideas but now sure how to do it? Or nothing here take your fancy? Send the Curry for Change team an email and they'll get in touch with some advice or more ideas.

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