Our wonderful As One supporters and partners are removing geographical barriers and supporting each other ‘As One’ profession. Together we are exchanging knowledge and having a significant impact on healthcare worldwide!
Meet the health professionals you can work alongside:
Dr Samy Juarez, Director of San Carlos Sija Health Centre in Guatemala

Traditional Birth Attendants are good because they know local culture, they speak the local language, they know the family and understand the patient. Maternal deaths will be reduced if Health Poverty Action, Traditional Birth Attendants and Ministry of Health staff work together…together we can be a perfect mix between western medicine and Mayan.
Chantal Mutarambirwa, Nurse at CHUK, Rwanda

Incapacity to afford health services is a real challenge for us to enjoy our work…..baby incubators are not really expensive (around £200). It is more than hurting to attend premature deliveries when there are no incubators available. It leads to the automatic death of some babies. I am a mother too, I understand what losing a baby means.
Anastacia Perez, Traditional Birth Attendant, Guatemala

I have seen changes since Health Poverty Action’s training. If a Traditional Birth Attendant sees a danger sign in pregnancy, they now take the woman to the health post or hospital. Both sides are vital in reducing maternal deaths.